
My name is Joey "Obunaji" Schouten, and I am a 24-year old English major, living and studying in Amsterdam, with a passion for games in just about any form. Whether it's board games, card games, video games, or pen-and-paper role playing games, I'm interested. Besides my penchant for games I also love literature and books in general, with the great classics and science fiction in particular. When it comes to music, I like electronic music, with a focus on Drum & Bass and surrounding genres.

Why 'Lucunculus'?
Some of my friends and I once discovered that apparently 'lucunculus' is a kind of pancake in Latin. It's useful to know that the word 'panne'(n)koek' in Dutch is also used as an insult for someone who doesn't do their job properly or fails in general. Anyhow, I ended up using it as an alternate username when my original username was already taken or could not be used for whatever reason. The joke is that it sounds very highbrow, but has a very flat (i.e. not deep, and it's a pun) meaning.

And your regular username?
One of my friends had a Japanese nickname, which was supposed to mean 'sanctuary'. I decided to fool around with a Japanese-ish nickname as well, and I stumbled on what might be literally the worst translator ever, which did not translate the word, but only the orthography of whatever was inserted. Half a dictionary I inserted the term 'ownage', which got translated as 'Obunaji', which I felt was silly enough to be usable and above all, original.

Why the blog?
Basically I need a place to put my ramblings, theories and creations. I've been blogging for years now, ever since I started a blog called 'Greaterthandividedbythree' ('>:3') during the big World of Warcraft blogging hype, which must have been around 2007-8. I used it to collect my thoughts on things, as I do now, and share them with friends at first, then when the blog would pick up, with the world. I post a daily update every day, which contains what I've been up to, what I've been thinking about, what I've been playing, with larger (hopefully more interesting) articles every few days. Expect lots on gaming.